John P. Thorn, Ph.D.


Wyoming License # 125
Idaho License # PSY-203425
Utah License # 6317857-2501

NPI# 1356511562
EIN# 83-0323991


Creative Solutions Consulting

Applying the Science of Psychology
to the Art of Living Joyfully


Scenic-Wyoming-2Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Tetons:

  • Anxiety, depression, stress management, sleep disorders
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Dependencies and addictions
  • Pain management
  • Marital / Relationship dysfunction
  • Family Therapy

Forty years of practice have taught me that we humans pretty much learn to be who we are. With a tip of my hat to my alma mater, the University of Minnesota, for setting me on the right track, I practice what is now known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in which we identify and challenge old, dysfunctional habits by integrating our emotions, thoughts and behaviors while learning new ways of coping with our issues. It is exciting and fulfilling to share in my clients’ and patients’ journeys from guilt, depression, anxiety, stress, trauma or dysfunction to living proactively, mindfully, and joyfully.

The mind, body, spirit connection is real. Learning to access and manipulate that connection is part of our individual journey. In my work, I share many of the tools I have picked up along the way and help you learn how to use them in your day to day life.

My practice reflects my original and ongoing research interest in how talk therapy works; how talking with another human being can affect even physiological healing. Understanding the power of our words; how we say what we say is central to my work. Self Hypnosis is a tool I teach; EMDR is my treatment of choice for PTSD.

I offer flexible hours and am a Medicaid, DOL/ Disabilities & Montana State Fund Provider.

Office Location

Office Address in transition.
Please Call to schedule an appointment.

Coverage Area

Dr Thorn offers his services
throughout Jackson Hole, WY

Associations / Accolades

Wyoming Psychological Association American Psychological Association


1992 - WY Psychologist of the Year
1994 - APA Karl F. Heiser Award
for Advocacy

My Guarantee

In my office, confidentiality
and privacy are sacrosanct

• Sliding Fee for Hardship Cases
• Medicaid and Department
of Labor Disabilities Provider

Payment We Accept

Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Cash, Check, Money Order
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